5 Reasons You Need to Update Your Headshots – Headshots Photography Vancouver

by | Dec 12, 2019

Your headshot matters, especially if you are in the corporate world. Our headshot photography Vancouver will place you at the top of first impressions amongst recruitment agencies, potential collaborators, partners, clients and customers. So, why should we update our headshots and why is it necessary?

Everyone is Going Digital

Nowadays, everyone is online. From your potential future business partner to your potential future boss. Colleagues and recruiters are constantly searching for new talent on Linked In, so it’s important to make sure the first impression they get is a good one. Everyone is looking for information via search engines and just a quick search of your name will bring up your profile photo, so why not make sure it’s new, updated and professional?

Your Appearance Has Changed

If you have had the same old headshot for more than 5 years, chances are your appearance has changed. For some this may be a subtle change, for others a drastic one. You may have dramatically changed your haircut or hair colour, or done something new to your appearance! Your headshot should reflect what you look like today!

Your Business Goals Have Changed

If your older headshot is from a time when you hadn’t started up your new business officially, or when you weren’t even sure the direction you were heading towards, it probably doesn’t reflect your new goals and aspirations. A professional, updated, current headshot will reflect your new professional outlook and attitude towards your business ventures.

People Judge Within Seconds

Whether online or in-person, people judge each other based on appearance within seconds, whether or not they realize it, it does happen on a subconscious level as well as a conscious one. Make a good first impression right off the bat with a professional, sharp new headshot.

Show Your Diversity

Maybe you don’t want a traditional, sitting headshot. Headshots don’t particularly mean a white or grey background and a suit. You can also show your clients and partners your fun and casual side, with headshots that have an interesting background and engaging energy.

Our headshots photography Vancouver can be suited to your particular needs and industry focus. Get in touch with us to learn more and get started!