How to Look More Confident in Front of the Camera – Vancouver Headshot Photography

by | Oct 30, 2020

Looking confident on camera is not always about you, it’s about what you have to say and how you go about communicating that. It’s normal to worry about different aspects of your facial expression or insecurities you may have, but there are a few tricks you can adopt and follow in order to come across as a confident business person. Instead of looking anxious, worried or on-edge, you can look ready to take on your industry.

When it comes to Vancouver headshot photography, it’s completely normal to feel like a deer in the headlights at first, before you warm up. With a few simple tricks, we can make sure you’re on your way to feeling confident.

Messing Up is Okay

Even if it takes you a few tries to nail a pose or a look, it’s okay. Authenticity is sincere, valued and relatable. Accept that it’s okay to make mistakes and re-centre yourself to nail those next few shots.

Positive Affirmations

Your thoughts, believe it or not, do translate to the camera and end up in your image. If this is your first time ever being in front of the lens, or you just arrived on on-set and you’re anxious, take some time to chat to your photographer so you can relax and laugh a little. We’re experienced and will know how to get you to calm down so you can feel a little more at ease. It’s important to embody the emotions you’re trying to project while your photo is being taken, because the eyes speak.

We can take a few minutes to do a few mock shots where you’re being goofy until you can relax. After that, it’ll be much easier to be naturally confident.

Practice, Practice, Practice!

Practice makes perfect. It’s true. Put your phone or camera on a tripod, set up some simple lighting and put your self-timer on. Take some photos of yourself while you practice different angles, different outfits, colour palettes and hairstyles. This will really help you pinpoint the style that looks best on you as well as which angle is ideal. In addition, it’ll help you feel what it’s like having lights pointing at you, while you try to focus on your poses.

If you’re interested in Vancouver headshot photography, get in touch with us. We would love to inform you of our rates, our process and walk you through our portfolio!