The Difference Between Amateur & Professional Headshots Photography Vancouver

by | Feb 10, 2020

Amateur photographs usually fall flat, failing to intrigue the viewer. Professional headshots photography Vancouver is the kickstart for your portfolio, business website or acting resume needs. They communicate to your viewers and audience that you take care in how you present yourself and your employees to the world.

The Right Angle

By choosing the right angle, professional photographers are able to make the story and message you are trying to communicate much more compelling. They will know how to guide their subject and create a strategic composition that fits the unique requirement for your headshots.

The Right Lens

The right lens can make or break an image and the result you are trying to achieve. Some lenses offer an incredible depth of field, ideal for beautiful portraits and headshots. Others like wide-angle lenses, for example, has a wide field of view and is perfect for capturing panoramic scenery.

The Right Lighting

Lighting is everything. It is a key factor in a successful final result that communicates the mood, atmosphere and story you are trying to tell. Whether you are an actor requiring headshots for your auditions or a business professional updating your LinkedIn, a professional photographer will know how to manipulate light so that it suits your intuition with your headshots.

They Know How to Tell Your Story & Message

A professional knows the narrative and visual focal points that are required to convey your story. It is what makes the difference from a flat, boring and non-memorable image to a compelling and impactful one. They will capture your personality – the very essence of what makes you, you. Whether your headshots include a complex background or a simple, single colour one, good photography will lead the viewer into the image and let him/her wonder what is going on, and how they can unravel the message hidden within it.

Get in touch with ShotSpot for professional headshots photography Vancouver. You can decide whether you would prefer for us to arrive at your location and take your headshots inside our studio van, or shoot outside or indoors, at your location of choice.